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EWN Research

Research Status: Active

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A number of field investigations have documented wave and surge attenuation by coastal mangrove ecosystems. These studies generally focus on low-energy environments or rely on post hoc observation studies following st...
USACE Districts require a method for predicting the impact that Engineering With Nature (EWN) features may have on the coastal resiliency of communities, quantifying changes to predicted values of storm surge, inundat...
Many wetlands are subsiding due, in part, to reduced mineral sediment input. Navigation dredged sediment that is not beach quality (>15% fines) has been identified as a resource that can support wetland resilience....
This project seeks to overcome historical practices of dredged sediment management and increase frequency that island systems are restored or created. In doing so, this will offer increased opportunities to advance “t...
Strategic placement of dredged material in the nearshore as a beneficial use technique is a common practice for Operations & Maintenance (O&M) dredging within the Corps of Engineers. The nearshore placement de...
This project is focused on the identification of USACE infrastructure that is scheduled (or anticipated to be scheduled) for repair or replacement. USACE coastal navigation assets include: 1,067 navigation projects, 1...
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