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EWN Research

Research Status: Complete

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The Natural Infrastructure Opportunities Tool (NIOT) is a public facing, web-based decision support tool that allows users to explore data relevant to Natural Infrastructure (NI) projects, as well as view or add NI re...
All Natural or Nature-Based Feature (NNBF) projects along the coastline involve the construction of features that require, or would benefit from, targeted placement of sediment with specific gradation characteristics....
There is tremendous interest internal to USACE and elsewhere to integrate a suite of EWN case studies that highlight natural and nature-based features (NNBF) projects. In turn, this Special Report will provide an inve...
This EWN Action Project will provide guidance highlighting the use of native plant communities as vegetative treatments providing effective, low cost solutions, to stabilize dredged material placement areas and confin...
Since the enactment of Section 204 of the 1992 Water Resources Development Act and subsequent amendments, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has progressively used dredge material beneficially for myriad of uses...
Natural structures are resilient, adapting to changes in physical, biological, geologic, and chemical processes. Nature-based features (NNBF) created by humans to provide specific services, such as coastal risk reduct...
Dredged materials can be used to improve ecological outcomes while maximizing navigation benefits. Few studies document mid- to long-term project benefits and USACE success stories remain poorly advertised. The purpos...
Sediments in the urban harbors often exhibit elevated levels of PCBs bioaccumulation, limiting their suitability for beneficial use or placement in aquatic sites. Amendment of dredged material in the bioactive zone wi...
There is tremendous interest internal to USACE and elsewhere to integrate a suite of EWN case studies that highlight natural and nature-based features (NNBF) projects. In turn, this “Atlas” Report would provide an inv...
Dunes have, and continue to be, natural or engineered features which prevent or delay flooding of inland areas by waves and storm surge. Currently, morphological models do not consider the effect of vegetation when es...
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