The bottom friction dissipation in spectral wave models (SWAN, MIKE SW, STWAVE, etc.) is commonly frequency dependent, while the dissipation due to vegetation only partially accounts for the frequency of the various w...
The USACE Savannah District conducted bimonthly bird surveys from 1994 to 2012 on six dredged material containment areas (DMCAs) located on the South Carolina side of the Savannah Harbor. The DMCAs are included in a l...
This Engineering With Nature project will monitor the short-term evolution of the sand berm to provide measures of berm performance and potential impacts to the Chandeleur Islands. Project data and deliverables will i...
Research interest in the multiple significant roles large wood plays in fluvial ecosystems has exploded in past decades, but restoration practice has only recently begun to use it in quantity, and primarily only in th...
This EWN Action Project is currently developing a quantitative portfolio approach based on the potential beneficial uses of dredged material in a single season of dredging. Developing a portfolio requires additional r...
The Ashtabula breakwater tern nesting demonstration project assesses whether suitable habitat can be created on the harbor breakwater by making simple, low cost modifications to the concrete blocks used to repair the ...
Strategic placement of dredged sediment is the practice of cost-effectively placing sediment at dispersive sites so that natural forces can transport the sediment toward desired receptors. The sediment is thus maintai...
This EWN Action Project monitors two restoration sites in San Francisco Bay to evaluate project performance including reduction in wave energy, circulation, sedimentation, channel morphology, and vegetative cover as a...
This EWN Action Project provides biological and hydrological monitoring data to quantify benefits and otherwise improve our understanding of the maturation of beneficial use of dredged material within the Atchafalaya ...
This EWN Action Project identifies and develops low-cost, shallow-water dredged material placement methods, utilizing both engineered and natural processes. These methods maximize the habitat value of the dredged mate...