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EWN Engagements

EWN Seminar Series: Dow’s Valuing Nature Journey: How a Multinational Chemical Corporation is Realizing Value by Incorporating Nature in Its Business Decisions


In this presentation you’ll hear from representatives from Dow and The Nature Conservancy on Dow’s commitment to identifying $1B in net present value through the Valuing Nature Goal, tools and work processes developed to support the goal, as well as challenges and successes in driving culture change. The team will also present on two projects in the goal portfolio including a remediation project that transformed a coal ash pond into a municipal stormwater wetland in Midland, Michigan and Dow’s ongoing efforts to transition to zero freshwater intake via watershed level engagement and green and gray infrastructure at its site in Terneuzen, The Netherlands.


France Guertin, Dow Environmental Technology Center

Jennifer Molnar, The Nature Conservancy

Betsy Witt, Dow Environmental Remediation and Restoration

Neils Groot, Dow Environmental Technology Center

Flyer and Bios (PDF)

What people are saying

Thank you so much for this presentation! This has probably been the best one I’ve ever seen. I agree with what one person said that this is very similar to how public agencies like State Parks etc works. I’d love to send this presentation to my coworkers if it can be made available. If this is ever presented again, I’m going to get them to all attend. Great job to you all!!

Wow — what a tremendous improvement!! As a former Dow employee, I remember the before picture well. Great work and what a terrific initiative and a great demonstration of the tool.

Point of Contact

Dow Environmental Technology Center, Water Subject Matter Expert and HZ University Water Technology Professor

Senior Technology Manager; Engineered Natural Technologies Dow Chemical Company

The Nature Conservancy, Managing Director and Lead Scientist

Dow Environmental Remediation and Restoration, Remediation Leader


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