A number of partners from the Network for Engineering With Nature were represented at the American Society for Civil Engineers’ INSPIRE Conference November 16-18, 2023, in Arlington, VA. Under the theme ‘Infrastructure Innovation &...
Panelists leading the discussion during the “Engineering With Nature to Increase Infrastructure Resilience” session during the JETC, held in San Antonio on 4 May 2023 (left to right: Scott Pippen, Sam Whitin, Burton Suedel, and Hollie ...
Dr. Andrew McQueen, Margaret Kurth, and Stephanie Galaitsi from the ERDC Environmental Laboratory (EL), Environmental Risk Assessment Branch (EPR), participated in the Stone Living Lab’s first in-person conference held in Boston, MA from Apr...
The Summit brought together more than 1,000 government, nonprofit, academic, and private sector collaborators to share recent progress and identify the next steps for evaluating and planning integrated water resources projects. One hundred and twe...
Collaboration is a key element of Engineering With Nature. These engagements provide the opportunity to hear experts speak about EWN applications and concepts or gather teams to find nature-based solutions.
On December 12, 2018, USACE hosted an Engineering With Nature (EWN) Session titled, “Engineering With Nature (EWN) for Sustainable Estuaries: Collaborating for “Triple-Win” Solutions” as part of the Restore America’s ...
On November 1, 2018, USACE hosted three EWN Sessions as part of the ASBPA’s 2018 National Coastal Conference in Galveston, Texas. The three EWN Sessions included a range of topics with a focus on recent EWN activities, coastal projects and emergin...
Collaboration is a key element of Engineering With Nature. These engagements provide the opportunity to hear experts speak about EWN applications and concepts or gather teams to find nature-based solutions.
Collaboration is a key element of Engineering With Nature. These engagements provide the opportunity to hear experts speak about EWN applications and concepts or gather teams to find nature-based solutions.
Collaboration is a key element of Engineering With Nature. These engagements provide the opportunity to hear experts speak about EWN applications and concepts or gather teams to find nature-based solutions.