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March 26, 2024

National Nature Assessment Chapter Leadership Team Announced

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Dr. Safra Altman from the Engineer Research and Development Center’s Environmental Laboratory (EL) has been appointed as a Federal Coordinating Lead Author for the first ever US National Nature Assessment (NNA). Joining her are Drs. Kyle McKay and Margaret Kurth, representing the Department of Defense (DoD) on the NNA Federal Steering Committee.

The National Nature Assessment (NNA) will take a holistic approach to better understand the role of nature in the lives of people across the country, integrating science with traditional ways of knowing and the needs of communities.  The assessment will take stock of what nature provides people through its inherent value, and its contribution to human well-being, the economy, cultural heritage, national security and more—and looks ahead to understand how these benefits might change under future conditions.   The assessment is expected to be released in 2026.

In her role as Federal Coordinating Lead Author (FCLA) of the chapter, “Nature and the Safety and Security of the US,” Safra will provide federal input directly to the Chapter Lead, Dr. Todd Bridges, Professor of Practice, Resilient and Sustainable Systems, University of Georgia. Additionally as a FCLA, Safra will oversee coordination among other FCLAs and ensure coherence across the assessment and facilitate communication between the author team and the NNA Federal Steering Committee.

The NNA will undergo public comment, Tribal Consultation, and other Indigenous engagements. An outline is expected in August 2024, with the first draft slated for release in fall 2025.

“The depth and breadth of our chapter leadership team is remarkable. We are incredibly fortunate to have the expertise, experience and leadership of these recognized thought leaders for America’s first-ever National Nature Assessment,” said NNA1 Director Dr. Phil Levin.

Read more from the US Global Change Research Program and see the full list of chapters and contributors: U.S. Global Change Research Program Announces First National Nature Assessment Chapter Leadership.

For further information, please reach out to Safra Altman, S. Kyle McKay, and Margaret Kurth.


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