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Optimal EWN solutions for wetland remediation: a FUNWAVE-based numerical framework

Testing EWN® alternatives is difficult because of the large range of spatio-temporal scales involved. Theproject will develop a high-resolution, multiscale numerical simulation platform based on the FUNWAVETVD model for investigating the effectiveness of wetland EWN® solutions. The platform will incorporate all relevant wetland physics, and will be applicable to a wide range of USACE wetland […]

Determining the Scales for Natural Infrastructure to Mitigate Coastal and Riverine Flood Hazards

Traditional approaches to reducing the risk of coastal and riverine floods include the construction of conventional infrastructure (CI) such as levees and floodwalls. Over the last decade, there has been a push towards Engineering With Nature (EWN) and the use of natural infrastructure (NI) (wetlands, barrier islands, coastal dunes, forest, riparian buffers) into resiliency and […]

Enhancing Coastal Resilience through Thin Layer Placement

Critical to saltmarsh restoration is understanding the physical and ecological drivers ofdegradation and fragmentation in saltmarsh ecosystems. Physical and ecologicalprocesses of a broad range of spatiotemporal scales affect the success and effectivenessof potential thin-layer placement EWN solutions. This project will develop and sharewith stakeholders a multiscale monitoring and model framework, an approach which isin high […]

Spatial Prioritization of Freshwater Natural Infrastructure

Natural infrastructure (NI) uses natural processes to support traditional objectives of built infrastructure such as storm water management and securing water supplies for human use. This project aims to accelerate the transition from ad hoc implementation of freshwater NI in the landscape by building spatially explicit NI prioritization tools that will allow stakeholders and decision-makers […]

Engineering for Biodiversity and Ecosystems

There is increasing recognition of the value of biodiversity in maintaining the services essential forsociety and the flows that drive economic activity. However, we run a risk in valuingbiodiversity solely for its utilitarian function in providing services of economic value. To avoidanother decade of failed biodiversity conservation goals, we will need a fundamental shift in […]

The Great Lakes Natural And Nature-Based Features Playbook

Recent high lake levels have exposed the widespread vulnerability of the Great Lakes coastline. Increasingly frequent flooding and erosion cause property damage, endanger lives, and disrupt local economies. Natural and nature-based features (NNBF) are measures and techniques that can be incorporated into shoreline protection to reduce flood risk and improve the resilience of coastal and […]

Promoting Sustainability of Sensitive Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Habitats with Innovative Dredging and Placement Practices

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitats provide a variety of important ecosystem services, including fish habitat, nutrient sequestration, and protection from currents and waves. Some research suggests that open-water sediment placement of dredge material harms SAV habitats in the short-term, while other research suggests long term protective benefits that results in an increased and denser area […]

River Engineer: The Next Generation – An Engineering With Nature® (EWN®) River Class

This project will develop an EWN® River Class on current best practices and novel ways to design and align waterways.  The class will introduce EWN® principles to traditional river engineering design that will re-invigorate potamology, or the study of rivers. Success in training the next generation of river engineers will lead to increased capacity for […]