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USACE Los Angeles District

District (SPL) is proud to announce its designation as a new Engineering With Nature (EWN) Proving Ground. This initiative underscores our commitment to adaptive, sustainable planning and design approaches that deliver long-term, multi-benefit solutions. Commander’s Memo Commanders Memo signed by Colonel, Julie A. Balten, 11 July 2023. As a proving ground, SPL is committed to […]

South Atlantic Division

The South Atlantic Division recognizes that partnering with nature is a vital to delivering bold solutions to combat uncertainty and achieve long-term, sustainable solutions. Incorporating natural and nature-based features into projects from a foundation of inclusive and collaborative engagement, creates a broad array of opportunities to meaningfully strengthen community resilience into the future. EWN Proving […]

South Pacific Division

USACE South Pacific Division (SPD) is partnering with ERDC to become the first Major Subordinate Command EWN Proving Ground. In doing so, SPD is joining a dynamic and growing community of practice across the USACE enterprise implementing EWN principles into the Civil Works program. EWN Proving Grounds are USACE districts and divisions committed to the […]