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EWN Engagements

Kick-Off: Developing the Great Lakes Natural and Nature-Based Features Playbook

Multi-day Event (January 24-
25, 2023)


24-25 January 2023. The Engineering With Nature (EWN) initiative held a workshop in the USACE Chicago District to initiate the three-year development of specific guidance and protocols for incorporating natural and nature-based features (NNBF) on the Great Lakes. The workshop gathered 95 participants, 35 in-person and 60 remotely, from USACE Lakes and Rivers Division, Buffalo and Chicago Districts, and other Great Lakes stakeholders. During breakout sessions, participants answered questions about priorities, existing resources, how to measure success, tradeoffs, and barriers to implementing NNBF. The ultimate product will be the Great Lakes NNBF Playbook.

This new guidance for incorporating NNBF specifically on the Great Lakes will inform the overall Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study (GLCRS) and expand the application of nature-based solutions (NBS).

Learn more about the Great Lakes NNBF Playbook.

Collaborators met in Chicago Jan 2023 to begin developing a Great Lakes NNBF Playbook.


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